Up until about 100 years ago the “4 Elements” was the path to Heaven on Earth and Creating the Life You Want
But then something happened…
Dear Friend,
Let me tell you a story going back thousands of years about the four elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
Not the actual fire or air, or a bucket of water, or a pile of rocks, but their energetic counterparts that are the building blocks of the universe.
Fire, Air, Water, and Earth are representations to help us wrap our heads around an aspect of universal energy we can tap to create what we want.
For millennia this concept was understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge such as Feng Shui Masters, Shamans, Kahunas, Healers, Monks, Saints, Hermetic Teachers, and Mystics. They used it for everything from healing to manifestation, emotional balance to spiritual practice, and alchemy to divination.
The rest of the population could make no sense of it, and if someone heard something, they would immediately dismiss it.
Then, somewhere in the early 1900s, less masterful teachers became popular and taught manifestation using only thoughts and emotions, such as in the Law of Attraction formula of ask, believe, receive.
Today you most likely know the Law of Attraction is powerful.
But did you know that it’s most powerful when you are able to match the vibration of what you want to create?
And if you said yes, you likely do not know how to thoroughly match the vibration of what you want to create, because the four elements approach has been lost to most people,
And that’s why I am writing to you today. We at Learning Strategies along with teacher and mentor Brian Osborne have worked diligently to simplify and systematize the knowledge. We are now able to give you greater understanding and practical application of the four elements so you can:
Use the “forgotten” energetic components of the universe
to manifest anything in any area of your life
Are you wanting something physical and concrete like a car or a home?
Are you looking for experiences such as vacations or family connection?
Are you looking to excel at work or with an important project?
Or are you desiring better health, well-being, and balanced emotions?
Or are you looking for that deeper spiritual connection, a true Heaven on Earth?
If so, then use our new Four Elements Manifestation personal learning course.
If you are a good manifester today, your ability can rise steeply tomorrow when you apply the knowledge of these elemental energies.
Turn thoughts into physical reality
The four elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth are energetic constructs. You cannot see or touch them, because they are energy.
There is also the physical Fire, Air, Water, and Earth that exist every day in nature. You can sense them using touch, sight, smell, and sound. They are real.
In other words, the four elements are both energetic AND physical. In that core truth lies the magic and unrealized power of Brian Osborne’s Four Elements Manifestation.
When you use Four Elements Manifestation, you will take something energetic (the thought of your goal or intention) and turn it into something physical so it comes alive in your life.
You do this through the four elements that operate on both planes of existence.
For example, part of the process you will learn involves using a candle flame to capture the energy of Fire, a feather to capture the energy of Air, a bowl of water to capture the energy of Water, and a rock to capture the energy of Earth. These “correspondences” will help bridge the world of the unseen with the world of the seen.
Very few people on this planet have any idea how this works, and now you can learn it—and use it every day of your life. It’s one of the most amazing processes I’ve ever encountered.
Using the Four Elements
When something isn’t working in your life, roadblocks and obstacles are reducing your ability to manifest. Your capability to manifest is definitely there—it always has been and will always be—but you are not able to effectively use it when you are not in the energetic flow of the four elements.
The frontage road has a lot of stop signs. The freeway is, well, just that: your free-of-obstacles way to where you want to go.
As you progress through the course, you will get in the flow of the elements, your problems will fade away, and you will use the four elements to create whatever you want.
With Fire comes inspiration for your desire. Then you’re moving into that realm of the mental, of Air, where you’re wrapping everything up in your mind, clarifying and intensifying your desire. Then with Water you’re bringing in the emotional, feeling aspect. The more intense your emotions, the more physical sensations you’ll get as you bring your feelings into full fruition within the physical environment of Earth.
Furthermore, each element is an aspect of Infinite Intelligence, or the Vital Energy, or Life Force of the Universe. The more balanced the four elements are within you, the greater your access to this vital energy to shape every aspect of your life including your success, your health, your relationships, and your spiritual growth.
Your mentor, Brian Osborne
Brian Osborne is a healer and teacher with more than four decades of extensive training in classical Eastern traditions, Western shamanism, and Western esoteric traditions in the healing arts.
He holds a degree in musical performance and a master’s degree in acupuncture and herbal medicine. Today Brian runs a holistic health and acupuncture clinic, teaches Western esoteric practice, and is the creator of our Aura Seeing personal learning course and our seminars on Lucid Dreaming.
Brian grew up in a close-knit family, steeped in the rich Native American traditions and teachings of his grandparents and parents. He traveled the world to study the ancient practice of alchemy and other energetic healing practices in the hermetic and shamanic traditions and spent seven years in a Taoist temple. He is very much in tune with the earth and the environment around him.
Brian’s depth of understanding, his desire to share that wisdom in practical ways that work consistently for life in the 21st century, and his immense patience to help us get it right, means he is the best teacher and mentor for you.
Distinctive techniques to alter your life
The whole idea of the course is to alter your life by opening your ability to manifest.
To do that, Brian will lead you step-by-step through techniques and processes that blew my mind when I first learned them in a teleseminar we hosted with him. I suspect you’ll find them equally eye-opening, and, more importantly, super effective.
Here are just a few of them…
One is called Pore Breathing. Spring Forest Qigong master Chunyi Lin has demonstrated this at many of our healing events. It’s where we can use our skin to breathe in more than air, because our pores act as micro energy centers to pull in energy.
You will use it to inhale the vibrations and energy of the four elements, which accelerates your ability to balance and build the elements as needed for your particular case. It’s all about raising your vibration to match that of your goal, or, as Brian says, “Your wish fulfilled.”
Another remarkable technique is called Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading. It’s a powerful and unique way to tap into Infinite Intelligence to get crazy insights and real solutions to challenges that come up. All by using a book. It could be an inspirational book, Bible, or even your favorite novel.
Lectio Divina will come in handy, because no matter how good you are with the four elements, stuff will come your way to derail you. This is one of the tools you’ll use to create “magical momentum,” as Brian calls it.
And then there’s Erasing Your Personal History. You see, your history, your life experiences, even brushing your teeth, block you more than you know. That’s right. How you brush your teeth can be affecting your wealth.
To create what you want naturally (and to have it appear effortlessly), you need to be aware of your unconscious actions, and when you do, it’s like gaining a fresh canvas for your life’s masterpiece. It’s almost like a secret doorway to success.
And Environmental Change (Feng Shui). As you know, we are strong proponents of Feng Shui to align the energy of your home with the energy of your ideal life and the energy of your wish fulfilled. Everyone should use it.
Brian will guide you in making purposeful changes in your environment, including your living and working spaces, to affect your energy and create an optimal state for body, mind, and spirit. Even the slightest tweaks in the way your furniture is arranged can have a significant impact on your ability to manifest what you want.
The trifecta of Conscious Breathing, Conscious Eating, and Conscious Drinking. And, it’s not what you think. It’s better than you think. This series of techniques gives you the ability to infuse every cell of your being with the energy of your goal already achieved.
As you know, you need to visualize a goal achieved. You don’t want to visualize yourself working on the goal, because all you will ever do is work on your goal. You want to visualize it achieved. Your wish fulfilled.
These techniques allow you to bring high vibrational energy into your body beyond what you can do with visualization. And this is just another example of how your Four Elements Manifestation personal learning course will guide you in ways that other courses never considered. Truly powerful.
Those are ancient techniques going back thousands of years that other teachers don’t know about. They are yours for the purpose of manifesting something out of nothing.
What can you expect?
Plan to begin the program with one important goal that will make a huge difference in your life. Really get clear on what you want. Ask yourself what will be your game changer. Read the following ideas for inspiration.
- I want to lead a project at work and surpass all expectations so I receive recognition, a raise, and a significant bonus.
- I want to get involved with a movement or cause and be a powerful force for good and positive change in the world.
- I want to be debt-free, in control of my financial life, and on track to retire and maintain my standard of living.
- I want to become a multi-millionaire so my family and I can enjoy the finer things in life, and I can help people and organizations who could benefit from my financial support.
- I want to fully express myself by writing a book that will give readers enjoyment and insights into having a better life.
- I want to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with balanced emotions. In other words, no bodily pain or disease and no emotional suffering.
- I want to attract a life partner to share amazing experiences.
- I want a deep, rich connection with God and the Universe.
What do you want in your life? Think about it, write it out in a goal statement, and have that be your guiding goal for going through the course.
What is cool is that as you go through the course, you’ll find yourself manifesting smaller goals quicker and more easily—I found that happening immediately for my own personal and professional goals. Even intentions through the week. Still today, I think of something, and it comes to pass.
So while you are focused on your life-changer, everything else changes. Automatically.
The more you are in balance with the energy of the four elements,
the easier it will be to employ the energy all of the time
Nothing will stop you.
One thing that may surprise you is that different goals may require different ratios of the elements. One goal may require more Fire energetic support, another more Earth, another more Air. It all depends on the goal and where you are in the process of manifestation. You’ll learn it all in this awesome course.
Your mentor, Brian Osborne has been teaching this material in private classes and intensive retreats for decades. This is the first time he’s making this knowledge and system widely available. Why? Because he believes every single person should have access to this ancient wisdom to make their lives better. He is excited. We are excited.
What will you create with it? How will it change your life? How will your success make the world a better place?
In the past, Brian would require years of training with his students before getting to manifestation. Through his mastery and the full support of Learning Strategies, we are able to present this program today that will absolutely work for you. You are ready. It merely requires an openness to the training, a willingness to dive deep, the desire to experiment relentlessly, and a readiness to have the best time of your life.
How does the training work?
You’ll go through the course in three phases.
Don’t rush. Do one session. Put into practice what you learn, and then in a couple of weeks do the next session. Don’t binge the course in a weekend. It is better with space.
In Phase 1, “Where Are You Now?,” you will lay a strong foundation for your work with the elements. You will take stock of where you are in your life, and you will determine exactly what you want to manifest, and most importantly, why.
Phase 2, “Activating the Elements,” will provide an immersive experience with Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. What I experienced during Phase 2 has changed how I look at everything.
Phase 3, “Manifesting with the Elements,” will help you deal with challenges that show up between you and your wish fulfilled. And you will finish this phase with the most amazing two meditations of the program. I have used these meditations at least a hundred times since I first learned them from Brian.
They bring you into the energetic space you need for manifestation so your goal materializes in your life. You might be tempted to jump ahead to it when you first get the course, but don’t. For these meditations to work, you have to do the processes leading up to them.
All of the meditations in your new course are extraordinary, and chances are you’ve never experienced anything like them before. But those last two are the best.
Those blissful meditations tap into the incredible power and magic of gratitude to help you fulfill your deepest wishes. I suspect they too will most certainly become core aspects of achieving your goals going forward.
Continued use of all the meditations will support you long, long into the future.
It is an amazing journey you’ll be on, one you will remember the rest of your life.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Within the first couple of sessions you will feel the power and potential of the program to change your life. If you are intrigued, order the program and use it, because if for any reason you feel it is not for you, you are welcome to request a full refund within the first 30 days.
And, as always, you’ll be able to contact us for free coaching support.
The Learning Strategies Advantage
We’re on this journey right along with you, and we’re creating amazing programs to help you access your vast internal resources so you get great at living life and experiencing your fullest potential… through any circumstance… any challenge. We at Learning Strategies use these same tools and programs in our own lives, too.
You can count on us for a foundation of trust, learning, fun, creativity, resourcefulness, and consistency. We’ve been here since 1981 helping millions of people, and we expect to be here long into the future helping you every way we can.
We put in the time to create extraordinary courses. For this course, we spent over 4,000 hours in development to make sure it is complete, comprehensive, practical, and workable. And those hours do not even include Brian’s time. That’s the time of our writers, producers, and coaches making sure everything you could possibly want to know is included in the course in ways that generate results
for you.
Should you do the course?
I love the practical and modern-day system Brian put together. I’m proud of the course our joint teams created. I am happy to present it to you. If you are ready to take a leap in your life, then get the course. If you just want to explore, because it is filled with mind candy, then get the course. It is a significant undertaking, but the journey will be rewarding and the destination will be astounding.
Get ready to manifest what you want in the world. Order Four Elements Manifestation today.
For your personal best,

Pete Bissonette
Four Elements Manifestation Course (CD)
Four Elements Manifestation (Digital)
Four Elements Manifestation (CD and Digital)