You can attend in-person events or online events designed to help you generate results that can last long into the future.
Seminars & Workshops
Gather with like-minded people to learn new techniques and processes, get real-life practical tips and insights, and be guided by a mentor who knows how to help you get the results you want.
Year of PhotoReading 2025
Learn and comprehend your reading material at least 3 times faster than you do now! And, improve virtually all aspects of mental competency.
Paul Scheele teaches our most comprehensive PhotoReading program, Year of PhotoReading. Recordings are available for you now.
Your Year of PhotoReading is designed to wire in the process so
you can use PhotoReading as effortlessly as reading this sentence right now..
Learn about it here.
below for additional US and International PhotoReading seminar information:
Step away from your daily life to recharge, renew, and recommit as you become immersed in your goals, hopes, and dreams. Attending a Learning Strategies retreat is like coming home. You will enjoy transformative experiences in welcoming environments and meet people who will seem like longtime friends. You will be guided by seasoned mentors to help bring you to
higher and more rewarding levels of performance and contentment. Make it a
priority to attend at least one of our retreats in your lifetime.
Virtual Events
Join us from the comfort of your
home on the telephone or on the internet for special workshops, conferences,
conversations, online “festivals,” and sharing of exciting information and
vital processes. No matter where you live in the world, world-class mentors are
available to support you.
Mastery Acceleration with Paul Scheele
“Mastery is not about talent. It’s about method.”
You’ve probably heard of the 10,000-hour rule—the idea that it takes a decade of intense practice to become great at anything. That’s discouraging, isn’t it? But here’s what most people don’t realize: That rule is outdated.
The world’s best performers don’t just “put in the hours.” They use very specific, science-backed strategies that allow them to
accelerate growth and develop skills in a fraction of the time.
In Dr. Paul’s upcoming (and brand new!) Mastery Acceleration program, you’ll learn how to apply these same strategies to anything you want to master—whether it’s a professional skill, a creative pursuit, or a personal passion.
Learn about it here. It begins soon - February 28, 2025!
Sound Healing | Silent Clearing: Four Domains of Life with Dawn Krystal
Have you been doing all the right things—working hard, setting goals,
staying positive—but somehow, things still feel stuck?
Maybe it’s your finances. Maybe it’s your health. Maybe it’s your
relationships. Or maybe it’s that nagging feeling that there’s more for you,
but you just can’t seem to get there.
When your energy is stuck, your life is stuck.
Join sound healer Dawn Krystal beginning March 18, 2025 through August 26, 2025 for twenty live sessions of the new Sound Healing | Silent Clearing Four Domains of Life program. She will help you clear stagnant energy, so things start
moving again.
Blocks are mostly contracted energy. They create resistance that challenges
your success and abundance, relationships, health, well-being,
& aging, and growth.
Here is how it works.
Each week you will clear a different one of those Domains of Life for
personal breakthroughs. And you’ll be clearing them five times during the
series to make sure you’re getting it from every angle possible. We start on
Tuesday, March 18.
Experience for yourself in her new program Sound Healing | Silent Clearing: Four Domains of Life.
Just show up, be present, close your eyes if
you want, and let Dawn Krystal move the energy. Thousands have already done it.
Learn about it here.