Memory Optimizer by Vera F. Birkenbihl with Paul R. Scheele
Use Mrs. Birkenbihl's course, and you will find yourself remembering:
  • Names and faces
  • Facts, figures, and telephone numbers
  • Everyday items such as where you put the car keys, to-do lists, and instructions
  • Text or scripture
  • Jokes and stories
  • Vocabulary
  • Speeches, lectures, and presentations
  • Events from your past

You will not necessarily memorize the information. Instead you will be using your brain in a way that makes it easier to remember. Plus, you will significantly reduce the chance of drawing a blank at a meeting or in front of your boss—you will be able to perform under stress!

Use your 11-mile Memory Web

Imagine a colossal Memory Web that holds every piece of information and every memory from your life. It is 11 miles across and very intricate.

Imagine looking at your Memory Web with a flashlight. Whatever you can see in the light's beam is what you can know at any given time. But, the light beam is only 15 inches. That is, you can only see 15 inches of information from a web that is 11 miles across.

You simply cannot see everything on your 11-mile web with your 15-inch light beam. Unless you find a Memory Thread on the web that goes directly to what you want to remember. Tug on that thread and you automatically transport to that area of the Memory Web where what you need to remember exists. It is like a "super highway" thread, or a "worm hole" if you are into science fiction.

Memory Optimizer helps you develop more of these super threads to make remembering easier. Plus, it helps you magnetize your light beam so that your light beam automatically seeks out the threads you need.

When you understand this model of memory by listening to the course and when you use the techniques Mrs. Birkenbihl teaches, your memory will improve dramatically and automatically.

But be clear: you will never remember everything. No one can.

Nor do we promise a photographic memory.

But from this day forward you will remember more and more, even as you age. Absolutely.

How to remember New Information

When you know a lot about a subject, your Memory Web is rich and thick with many related Memory Threads. It is fairly easy to remember something about that subject, because you can easily find a Memory Thread to take you right to the information. Similarly, it is a snap to learn and remember new information, because your brain automatically has access to an abundant supply of Memory Threads to connect with the new information. (Hang on–this stuff really works!)

Conversely, your Memory Web for an unfamiliar subject is thin. You have few Memory Threads, which makes it challenging to remember anything in that subject. And, when learning new information, your brain will not have many Memory Threads to connect to the new information, which makes future recall difficult. Until now...

See why... on Page 3

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