You must become the person you want to attract. If you go into the world feeling limited, you will act in a way to prove you have limitation. If you go into the world with positive expectations of abundance, you will give and receive more fully.
Positive Relationships is the crowning jewel in your new Paraliminal collection, an audio recording you will be proud to own.
One big caution
You now know “How to recover from a past relationship and attract the love of your dreams.”
Are you going to do anything about it? Or will you think, “Yah, that's nice” and then go on doing the same old things?
Knowledge is worthless unless you generate choices from it. You need to take positive action, and then you will get new results. In reading this report, you've created a possibility for a new you, living in a loving relationship, freed from the past. This possibility is hurtling at you right now. It will happen. But, you must sustain this possibility in order to make it a reality.
You do this by stepping forward with commitment. Order the Paraliminals today that you do not already own, and use them according to the guidelines presented in this report and with the literature that accompanies each audio recording. Only then will love be your reality.
New History Generator $29.95
To recover from a past relationship
Automatic Pilot $29.95
To eliminate compulsive thoughts
Anxiety-Free $29.95
To quell anxieties of a failed relationship
Self-Esteem Supercharger $29.95
To feel good about yourself
Instantaneous Personal Magnetism $29.95
To direct your internal magnetic energies
Prosperity $29.95
To attract the love of your dreams.
Positive Relationships $29.95
To nurture and maintain a strong, loving, rich, and satisfying relationship.
How to get two free bonus Paraliminals!
Remember our special: buy any three Paraliminals and select any one free.
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