As a matter of fact, I just listened to the recording moments ago. It is so peaceful and, at the same time, rejuvenating. Write me after you listen, and tell me your thoughts. I think you will love it.

4) How to get anxieties under control.
- Anxiety-Free -

As you think of any problem, you may have feelings of anxiety. This is natural. Anxieties are usually worries about something that may happen in the future. More often than not, the impending event never happens and the anxiety proves to be a waste.

Some anxieties are long as they do not get out of control. The anxiety you feel on a busy street can keep you from getting run over — but it could also keep you from getting where you want if you let it control you. You should control anxieties — they should not control you. Unfortunately, most people find anxieties to be troublesome blocks to success and happiness.

We will send you a Paraliminal called Anxiety-Free when you decide to get this exceptional package. Whether you have anxieties about paying bills, about your significant other, or about flying... If you fear success or fear failure... If the thought of confronting your parents puts you at wits end... If having the boss over for dinner is distressing... If you have a nervous twitch... If you are afraid you will oversleep... If you are worried about making mistakes, giving a speech, playing tennis with an important client, applying for a new position, going back to school, taking a test, making a commitment in a relationship, admitting that things are not going as well as you would like... or anything else, this audio session can free you from your fears.

Etta used the Paraliminal get through high anxieties of a job interview--"I got the job!" she wrote. Larry said, "It helped lift a huge burden off my shoulders." "I am finally over my anxiety attacks," wrote Howard. "I sold my first novel," wrote Charlotte. Mary quit worrying incessantly about her kids.

Your stomach does not have to be in a knot. You do not have to go to bed at night worried about how many new wrinkles and gray hairs you will find upon waking. A drink does not have to be the first thing you reach for. Anxiety-Free can give you freedom you may have never imagined. You will enjoy this audio recording. I, as well as thousands of other customers, certainly have.

5) How to attract whatever you want: better automobile, new clothes, a healthy relationship, perfect health, higher pay, respect at work, safety, new furniture, exciting friends, a relaxing vacation...
- Prosperity -

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could easily get whatever you want? The good news is the human brain is capable of bringing you whatever you desire if you believe in yourself. You have a built-in antenna that can look out for and attract to you things, qualities, concepts...whatever you want.

You have heard that if you focus on something long and hard enough, you will get it. In today’s society, with so many distractions and demands, it is often difficult to devote the attention needed. Paul created a remarkable Paraliminal called Prosperity that actually helps to do it.

A long time ago I heard a phrase that keeps repeating in my mind. To me it was the most inspirational piece of advice that anyone could give: "Whatever you vividly imagine, sincerely believe, ardently desire, and enthusiastically act upon, must, inevitably, come to pass."

Abundance in all areas of our is our natural birthright. We can have it all. All we have to do is vividly imagine...this Paraliminal can help. We have to sincerely believe...this audio recording can help. Ardently desire...this audio recording. And, enthusiastically act upon...this audio recording. It can help.

Again, the Prosperity Paraliminal is not magic. It is merely a tool that can perform like magic. Luther said, "My economic affairs changed quickly and dramatically." Ray gave it to a friend who became the top salesman of his company. Tom needed new clothes but did not have the money. After listening to Prosperity he happened into a department store with $30-40 dress shirts on clearance for $1.97 to $3.97! Carol Michel used this recording to find the ideal new home at a great price when she was losing hers. Susan said, "It helped get me a fresh, positive, mental attitude." Judy got an unexpected $10,000 in the mail!

Prosperity has brought so many wonderful things, people, and situations into my life that I want to share it with you. It does work. It may not happen overnight — though it has for me many times — but it can help you get clear on what you want, and it can help you get on the right track.

Whether you want to reach and maintain your ideal weight... increased sales... positive thinking... improved memory... better sex... deeper relaxation... more vivid dreams... a winning attitude... balanced emotions... or youthfulness, this audio recording can help.

6) But, what good is anything if you don't get it and use it?
- Get Around To It -

You may say, “Pete, this sounds great. I can see how these Paraliminals can benefit me. I feel they can help, but will I use them? What if I procrastinate?” I answer, “Great! Here’s the one for you!”

I am including Get Around To It to help you decide now to get this special package. This audio session will not only eliminate procrastination, but it will help motivate you into positive action so that you can do whatever it takes to live the very best life you desire.

We all have it within ourselves to succeed, to be better than we are right now. It is our choice entirely. Sometimes, though, making a choice and doing something about it are two different things. Get Around To It can help you do something about it.

No Paraliminal can force you to do anything. This audio session helps redefine your priorities so that you have a burning desire from within to accomplish everything you want. It helps change years of negative programming so that you develop passion, take action, and get new results.

Maybe you have dreamed of a change but got sidetracked by procrastination. It is called the “someday syndrome.” For too many

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