Paul Scheele's Abundance for Life gives you...
Get the personal power to attain what you want from life with the Deluxe Abundance for Life Course.
Dear Friend,
Call it supercharged serendipity, even blessed luck. It is when things go your way and all you can do is shout to the heavens, "Thank you!"
We figured out how to bottle it!
We began sharing our findings in one of our retreats....
Charlotte Ward was there. She is co-author of "Simply Live it UP!" and an accomplished PhotoReading instructor who lives in Bethesda, Maryland.
She was asked to participate in a network television show. The producer, who liked her work in accelerated learning, needed to see an audition video. But Charlotte had never been on TV.
We attempted to squeeze her in for a taping session with our video crew when she was here for the retreat, but we ran out of time. She flew home out of luck, or so we all thought.
You see, at the retreat she had opened a flow of abundance. Within a week I got an unexpected telephone call from a producer at WNBC in New York. They wanted to do a segment on PhotoReading. I said an instructor was already scheduled to be in New York for a class on November 7, but they wanted someone sooner.
Eureka! This would be perfect for Charlotte, I thought. In a heartbeat, Charlotte was on a train to teach a special class of law students for a segment in their "Today Show." She got the video she needed for the other network show!
When you open the flow of energy as our system will show you, health, wealth, abundance, and power come your way - automatically on their own, without your having to do anything more - all to serve you, to make you happy. Just ask Paul Scheele:
Right after the retreat a group wanted Paul to speak at their event for a multi-thousand dollar fee. But first the decision makers wanted video proof that Paul could massively inspire and motivate thousands of people. The video we had of Paul in front of large groups lacked pizzazz. They were not impressed.
Then, out of the blue came a call from a client who had purchased our programs years before. He wanted to book Paul at a different event with a thousand people. And not the usual six months or year away. In three weeks. Then he said the clincher, "This group loves to jump up and applaud." We could get the video we needed!
In a heartbeat, Paul and a video crew were on a plane. Paul had the audience on their feet multiple times cheering with wild abandon…in front of five cameras! To top it off, after Paul's two-and-a-half-hour talk, the participants literally ran to the back of the room where we had stacks of our programs. They bought $151,000 in products.
If you want that magical "stuff" to happen in your life...
If you want abundance flowing all around you...
Go on a playful journey with Paul R. Scheele, one of the world’s leading mind explorers and principle developer of our courses. Lay claim to the power centers of your brain. Accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Manifest in life all that you desire.
On this journey you will find heightened self-awareness and new perspectives on life that will smooth rough edges, focus your intention, and tune your brain for a sudden upswing in the quality of your life.
This is a unique opportunity to play with profound turns of mind that Paul has been developing for almost 30 years. He brings to your course the most successful and popular processes to-date, weaving them into stirring material to help you maximize your potential. You receive an experience unlike any other.
In Paul Scheele’s Abundance for Life course, you will get...
1) The courage to build your life as you want it
If you don’t have what you want, you might think you don’t have the guts to get it.
In truth, you don’t realize how easy it is to ask for it, be open to it, and receive it. If you’re stuck in a trance of limitations and lack, isn’t it time to break out? Isn’t it time to awaken the health, wealth, power, and abundance that is yours for the taking?
2) A blueprint for creation and manifestation
Some of my personal stories will simply blow you away! I’ve written about them in another feature on the website along with those from others who have used this system. Follow our blueprint and watch out. What happened to Charlotte and Paul can happen to you. All that you ask for will start coming to you.
3) Strategies to get others to bend over backward for you
You are fooling yourself if you think you can go it alone. Creating abundance and wealth is far more than internal mental processes. You need to influence others to go along with you. Paul presents the most remarkable - and the easiest - strategies for getting support from others. These strategies outreach the usual NLP techniques you may already have been using. People will be saying, "Your wish is my command."
4) How to handle any problems that come your way
And you are double-fooling yourself if you think problems won’t come because you will have "tuned into some universal energy." So we teach you to ask the "Miracle Question." If Charlotte had said instead, "I’ll never get on national TV because I don’t have a video," I guarantee you WNBC would never have called.
If Paul had said instead, "I’ll never get those two speaking engagements," we would never have received that invitation leading to spectacular video footage and the bonus of $151,000 in sales.
If you don’t use this approach, you will continue to repel abundance as fast as you are right now. I can say this emphatically: if you had any idea what you had repelled in the past couple of weeks alone, you would be begging us for next-day delivery.
Fresh-thinking, creatively explosive Paraliminals
The Abundance for Life Deluxe course includes 12 "main" audio sessions (including four new Paraliminals, one being the longest in the history of Paraliminals at 54 minutes!) and a course manual that will inspire you and stir you to action.
Plus! 8 more audio sessions including 7 meditations to nail fears that hinder abundance
You also receive a special package called the Accelerator. This includes seven meditation sessions, six specifically addressing the six areas of fear that keep people in lack. Unless you address those fears, they automatically work to slow down breaking the trances of limitation. A question and answer audio session stretches your mind beyond any limits you have been imposing.
You see others experience the same Abundance for Life processes in a TV documentary
You see them change right before your eyes
Plus, you also receive a DVD with an in-depth program designed to help you get more from your course. We brought in a top-notch television production crew from England headed by a longtime PhotoReader who has worked on important projects for Universal Pictures and BBC Television. Over a one-week period his crew followed people through the process of learning Abundance for Life and produced a documentary called "Awakenings." You can see where these people started their journey and how they transformed. If they can do it, so can you!
It took over four months - seven days a week - to turn 180 hours of video tape into this one-hour documentary. The DVD includes over two hours of special features. On one of the special features over 80 people who have learned Abundance for Life appear on-camera, one by one, to deliver supportive and empowering messages, similar to the experience you may have had with our Personal Celebration Series.
And, there are 4 more audio sessions interviewing some of the brightest minds of our time
Because we want to give you every opportunity to increase your flow of health, wealth, and power, we created a special surprise for you. During these four sessions, authors and experts with whom Paul has collaborated through the years talk about their work and inspire you to greater heights. We hired one of the most renowned audio producers of all times, who has worked with Les Brown, Leo Buscaglia, Wayne Dyer, Harvey Mackay, Earl Nightingale, Norman Vincent Peale, Denis Waitley, and Zig Ziglar. We trained her in the learning philosophies and style of Learning Strategies, and together we frosted your cake of abundance.
You receive an in-depth course that takes away all of your excuses. The reasons you haven't enjoyed the best life can offer melt away.
I believe there is no other wealth-making course so effective as Abundance for Life.
We have purchased and listened to many of them. Although they give outward strategies for budgeting, how to open your own business, how to invest your money, how to ask for a raise, how to get out of debt, how to buy real estate, seldom do the listeners succeed. Why? Because the courses never touch on what Paul has assembled for you-sound mental and spiritual principles that work in real life no matter your level of sophistication, education, or smarts. This works for everyone.
In this video, Paul Scheele takes you through the “Abundance for Life” personal learning course. (If you order the course, packaging may be different from what you see in this video.)
Your course is complete. It is practical. It even comes with the Seven-Day Results Supercharger Path in case you are impatient and want super-instant results. And this course will be a joy to you as you awaken and explore your new world of health, wealth, power, and abundance.
For your personal best,

Pete Bissonette
P.S. Order today right here on our website or by calling toll-free 1-866-292-1861. I think you will notice a difference in your attitude immediately... magic and serendipity flowing into your life, and experiencing abundance like never before. We will help you get the results you want with our free success coaching. And, your purchase comes with a 30-day, money-back, satisfaction guarantee.
Abundance for Life Deluxe Course (Digital)
Abundance for Life Deluxe Course (CD/DVD)
See an amazing video of people using Abundance for Life. Push the Play button above.
Finally, a wholistically-grounded Wealth-Making course
to help you rewrite the script of your life
to give you overflowing Abundance for Life