More time in a day

Chunyi Lin showed us a copy of an ancient document that was over 2000 years old. He said it held a Taoist secret to unlock one to two more hours in a day. He told Paul Scheele and me that it was not about squeezing more time from a day, but opening up more time in a day. My mind instantly went to, "Our clients will love this." But Chunyi was stuck. The process seemed to involve deep meditation and opening your third eye and third ear, but he found the state unstable. He couldn't hold on to the time. He called on Paul and me wondering if the expertise we've developed through Learning Strategies could be of value. Over the next couple of years Paul and I followed the steps Chunyi gave us, but we ran into the same problem that Chunyi did, but to a much greater extent. The process involved a deep state of meditation, which Paul and I were able to achieve. We used Holosync, which is part of the Paraliminals, to help us with stability. But we were consistently confronted with the same problem. Once we reached the deep state, and following Chunyi guidance, we were able to enter what could only be described as a different world where time was created within time. The forward march of time all but stopped. But time kept being created, sort of billowing from a timeline continuum. But in two years of practice we could not get from our sitting position to take advantage of the time. I tried sitting at my desk, thinking perhaps I could use the time to write, but I couldn't move my arms. My mind was as sharp as ever, but other than thinking, I couldn't do anything. Chunyi, whose expertise in these realms was far greater than ours, was able to get up and do things, but on a very limited basis. We could maintain the creation of nonlinear time for about five minutes, and Chunyi could go much longer. He said the document said up to two hours is available in any day. Last year Paul began working with David Rubenstein who had science that led to the development of a whole new product line coming out later this year. It is called the Paraliminal Walkabout. These are new Paraliminal-type programs you can do when walking. For a bunch of reasons, the original Paraliminals required (and still require) that the user sit quietly with eyes closed. David's technology showed us how to enter the "Walkabout Zone" that synchronizes the breathing and body movements producing a profound state of super learning. Hence, the brand-new Paraliminal Walkabouts that you'll learn about this spring or summer. One day Paul and I were talking about the many uses for the Paraliminal Walkabouts when it occurred to us, simultaneously, to try it on Chunyi's time project. "What if we could use the Walkabout Zone to enter that deep time state. Our bodies would already be moving and the momentum should carry us through. That could be a perfect balance of the yin energy in deep meditation and yang in walking." It worked. We're up to about two minutes, and Chunyi is at 20 minutes. So far we don't have a lot of practical benefits to report. But we've had fun with practical jokes. Last week at a staff meeting we had everyone stand up. Then Paul and I entered did our thing and moved nearly all of the chairs out of the conference room before losing the state. We hope to have a course ready for your experimentation next April Fools Day. ;) In the mean time, get ready for the Paraliminal Walkabouts. They are real, and they will be here in a few weeks! - Pete