Sound Healing | Silent Clearing By Dawn Krystal

Clear away any health or financial condition - and more

Listen to the first session right now as our guest

You can enroll right now for 10 payments of $48, which is a reasonable $24 a clearing session. Your enrollment comes with a 30-day money-back, satisfaction guarantee, so if you find it is not for you, we’ll happily refund what you’ve paid.

Dawn Krystal's Sound Healing Silent Clearing Series 14 Teleseminar: Life Conditions
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Here’s how it works

We’ll meet on the phone or on the internet LIVE every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. US Central Time for 20 sessions. We use Zoom, but everyone leaves their cameras off. Each session is 30-35 minutes. We will be meeting 30 minutes early on three of the sessions for individual clearings. You can join us live or use one of the audio recordings.

To check the time in your area click the Google search link below. At the top of search results it should show the conversion. 9:00 p.m. Central Time

  1. Goals & Aspirations – March 14
  2. Financial Conditions – March 21
  3. Health Conditions – March 28
  4. Relationship Conditions – April 4
  5. Financial Conditions – April 11
  6. Life Work Conditions– April 18
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings. Dawn will work one-on-one with a handful of participants. You should find that as issues clear from others, they will clear from you. Be sure to come to these optional sessions.)
  7. Emotional Conditions– April 25
  8. Financial Conditions – May 2
  9. Sharing Abundance – May 9
  10. Spiritual Issues – May 16
  11. Financial Conditions – May 23
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings.)
  12. Goals & Aspirations – May 30
  13. Health Conditions – June 6
  14. Relationship Conditions – June 13
  15. Financial Conditions – June 20
  16. Life Work Conditions – June 27
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings.)
  17. Emotional Conditions – July 11
  18. Sharing Abundance – July 18
  19. Spiritual Issues – July 25
  20. Financial Conditions – August 1

Imagine this:

  • Clear anything keeping you from focusing on your goals and dreams.
  • Clear any health condition such as pain, weight, arthritis, and so on.
  • Clear any financial condition such as debt, sufficiency issues, paycheck-to-paycheck living, etc.
  • Clear anything from bad relationships to being single.
  • Clear a dysfunctional workplace, abusive coworkers, not getting projects done, missing goals.
  • Clear any negative emotions and things that block you up.
  • Clear anything keeping you from sharing abundance with others, your family, friends, community, and the planet.
  • Clear anything that keeps you from your spiritual aspirations.

How could that affect your life? What could that mean to how you want to live your life?

For seven years now a group of us have been meeting virtually every week to clear away energetic blockages in our lives and bring in healing energy.

We are about to begin a new series, and we’d like you to join us. Your mentor and healer, Dawn Krystal, will lead each session. This will be the fourteenth series she’s done for us! Here are her books:

What happens during the sessions?

It’s like a meditation, but different.

All you have to do is sit and listen.

Dawn will first clear your primary energy centers and chakras.

Then she will do three to five “silent clearings.” During the first clearing, think of the first item on your list you don’t want. She’ll clear it away, and then do a “sound healing.”

This is where it gets weird and interesting. She moves energy through her voice. She’ll make a series of sounds. Some will be pleasant and relaxing. Some will be a little loud and perhaps obnoxious. But they all work to heal the space that had been occupied by what you don’t want. This is her gift. This makes her sessions unique and powerful.

These sounds will move your energy so that expansive and positive energy can move in. This will help you live a healthy, happy, joyous, and productive life while you achieve your goals.

The higher your energetic frequency, the more expansive energy within you, the easier it is to create in your life what you want.

You’ve learned through all of our programs including Abundance for Life, Effortless Success, Seeds of Enlightenment, Spring Forest Qigong, Diamond Feng Shui:  When you can replace contraction with expansion, you can achieve your goals.

We’ll give a brief introduction to the process at the beginning of the first session, so plan on the first session being a few minutes longer.

And you can join us early for three of the sessions. We will randomly select a number of individuals to do live clearings and healings with Dawn. You’ll want to be here for them, because they will work on you, too, even if you’re not selected!

Here’s how it works

We’ll meet on the phone or on the internet LIVE every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. US Central Time for 20 sessions. We use Zoom, but everyone leaves their cameras off. Each session is 30-35 minutes. We will be meeting 30 minutes early on three of the sessions for individual clearings. You can join us live or use one of the audio recordings.

To check the time in your area click the Google search link below.
At the top of search results it should show the conversion.
9:00 p.m. Central Time

Dawn Crystal

You will be clearing problems in all areas of your life. This will make room for solutions… and your hopes and dreams.

  1. Goals & Aspirations – March 14
  2. Financial Conditions – March 21
  3. Health Conditions – March 28
  4. Relationship Conditions – April 4
  5. Financial Conditions – April 11
  6. Life Work Conditions– April 18
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings.)

    Dawn will work one-on-one with a handful of participants. You should find that as issues clear from others, they will clear from you. Be sure to come to this optional session.
  7. Emotional Conditions– April 25
  8. Financial Conditions – May 2
  9. Sharing Abundance – May 9
  10. Spiritual Issues – May 16
  11. Financial Conditions – May 23
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings.)

    Dawn will work one-on-one with a handful of participants. You should find that as issues clear from others, they will clear from you. Be sure to come to this optional session.
  12. Goals & Aspirations – May 30
  13. Health Conditions – June 6
  14. Relationship Conditions – June 13
  15. Financial Conditions – June 20
  16. Life Work Conditions – June 27
    (Join us 30 minutes early for individual clearings.)

    Dawn will work one-on-one with a handful of participants. You should find that as issues clear from others, they will clear from you. Be sure to come to this optional session.
  17. Emotional Conditions – July 11
  18. Sharing Abundance – July 18
  19. Spiritual Issues – July 25
  20. Financial Conditions – August 1

What do you clear?

Before each session, fill out a private worksheet that you can download. List everything in that topic that you would like to clear from your life.  These are things you have and don’t want. For example, on the session for Financial Conditions, your list might include things like the following:

  • I struggle with debt.
  • I don’t earn enough; I’m underemployed.
  • I pay the minimum on my credit cards each month.
  • I am late on my rent.
  • I’m not saving enough for retirement.
  • I don’t have a good cushion.
  • I have a big repair bill coming up.

It’s important you don’t judge yourself on anything. All you want to do is list things in your life you have and don’t want.

The session helps to remove the energetic attachment that could be dragging you back. It helps to resolve problems, it creates an energetic vacuum so you can attract what you want.

After each session rip up and throw out the worksheet. Get it out of your life.

How to achieve your goals quicker

Before each session, write your important goals on your worksheet. Know how clearing items from your “have but don’t want” list during the session can help you achieve your goals.

The session could be on Health Conditions and your important goals may be financial. Know how your financial goals can be helped by clearing health conditions.

This is a powerful step. Everything is connected. The more you understand this and see it in your own life, the more everything will flow for you.

Why are there 20 sessions?

We are doing 20 sessions over the upcoming months to build energetic momentum for you. This will help neutralize your problems and advance your important goals.

Doing a clearing now and then will have a positive effect, but clearing consistently over time will have the greater results for you.

Here is a photo of Dawn with Jack Canfield in his home. Dawn had removed a stubborn pain from Jack’s shoulders in a matter of seconds. (You may recall that Jack co-created our Effortless Success personal learning courses and Living the Law of Attraction Paraliminal.)

How to Enroll Today

You can enroll right now for 10 payments of $48, which is a reasonable $24 a clearing session. Your enrollment comes with a 30-day money-back, satisfaction guarantee, so if you find it is not for you, we’ll happily refund what you’ve paid.

Dawn Krystal's Sound Healing Silent Clearing Series 14 Teleseminar: Life Conditions
Buy Now!
It's Risk Free!

The day before each session you will receive an email with the listening instructions. Again, you can listen on the phone, over the internet, or through a recording.

You’ll find handouts in your online digital Library.


Call us toll-free at 1-866-292-1861 in the USA and Canada (elsewhere 1-952-767-9800) and mention Customer Code E224A-3.

What others say

I mentioned that this is Dawn Krystal’s fourteenth series with us. I have been on all of the sessions of Sound Healing | Silent Clearing except when I’m traveling. I wouldn’t dream of missing a session. And thanks to the recordings, I could catch sessions that I miss.

Here are a handful of comments for you from past participants:

“One of my issues was getting up in the morning. After Dawn's clearing there has been a tremendous improvement! It may take 5 - 10 minutes but that is a HUGE shift.”

“My life has been a blur of confusion and anxiety until I listened in to your first session. I am really amazed at how the heaviness and fear will lift away, even when I'm listening to a recording.”

“A lot of unraveling of automatic behavior.”

“My intuition is stronger and when my mind tries to second guess it, I am better able to quiet the chatter and act on my intuition.”

“It is the first time in my life I have EXPERIENCED my spirit.”

“I am happier even though my current situation is light years from where I want to be. I find myself happy and smiling—ask myself 'why are you so happy?'”

“I've wanted to clear health issues, wellness issues, and abundance. I've recently felt motivated to explore different herbs to help support my challenges from a source I'd never explored before.”

“The life-long dread and anxiety I have always felt before traveling, especially out of the country, is gone.”

“Lots of uncomfortable emotions are gone including stuck feelings such as fear and shame!”

“Shoulder pain almost entirely gone, and focus has improved.”

“I have gone from being extremely anxiety-ridden on a constant basis to completely calm—this has been a lifelong problem and is an absolutely amazing outcome! :-)”