"Your brain waves improve when you're in a room with good Feng Shui"
Scientists have been saying for years that deep-seated, far-reaching benefits come from being in the alpha state of mind. That is, when your brain generates fewer beta waves and more alpha waves, you can perform better in most any area of life.
You can read at superfast speeds. You can write quicker and clearer. You can learn up to 50 times more efficiently. This is also the flow state where athletes break world records, actors move audiences to tears, scientists make stunning discoveries, business people make far-reaching decisions—where human beings perform almost supernaturally.
All the programs published by Learning Strategies help you access this almost magical state of mind—including, as astounding as it may seem, Diamond Feng Shui.
Marie Diamond was perhaps the first Feng Shui master to make this astonishing discovery. When you use her specific Diamond Feng Shui system on a room, it has an immediate and instant impact on the brain waves of anyone who enters the room.
When you are in a room with good Feng Shui your brain automatically begins producing more alpha waves, and conversely, when you are in a room with bad Feng Shui, your brain automatically produces more beta waves.
To test Marie's theory, Paul Scheele hooked someone up to a portable EEG machine that is used to measure brain waves. We use the device to help PhotoReaders read more powerfully in our PhotoReading Retreats.
The subject did not know the purpose of the experiment. When brought into a room with no Feng Shui activations or cures—in other words, a room with bad Feng Shui—her brain produced many spikes of beta brain waves. Beta waves cause chaos and conscious mind activity that make it difficult to focus or be relaxed (Figure A).

Then they brought the subject into a room where the principles of Diamond Feng Shui had been applied. The beta waves of chaos began disappearing in seconds. The brain began accessing alpha waves—automatically, with no effort on the part of the subject (Figure B).

This experiment showed that by simply being in a room with good Feng Shui, the brain begins performing at high levels.
It presented undeniable proof that the energy of our environment has a profound impact on each of us as individuals.
We clearly do not understand how the invisible energy that is around us all of the time affects our lives. We just know that it does. And, thanks to thousands of years of trial and error, and thanks to gifted people such as Marie Diamond who can actually see the invisible energy with their own eyes, the body of work called Feng Shui has been made available to help anyone live a better life.
While some of the cures and activations seem a little weird, they are probably no more far out than the electric light buld would be to someone from the 1700s. Imagine pushing a button that causes light a hundred feet away!. To us, it makes sense. To them it would not make sense, but they would soon know that pushing that button creates light, just like moving your bed can create wealth.
We here at Learning Strategies have been saying for years that deep-seated, far-reaching benefits come from being in the alpha state of mind. You can read at superfast speeds. You can write quicker and clearer. You can learn 50 times more efficiently. This is also the flow state where athletes break world records, actors move audiences to tears, scientists make stunning discoveries, business people make far-reaching decisions—where human beings perform almost supernaturally!
All of our programs here at Learning Strategies help you access this magical state of mind.
And now...by making simple changes in your home or office you can bring your mind into the alpha state where you literally direct fortune in your life.
This information is staggering. Do yourself a favor and get Diamond Feng Shui right now. Begin exploring this ancient science and reaping the rewards now!