Watch as Pete Bissonette implements the 2025 Yearly and February Monthly Diamond Time Feng Shui cures and activations in his home. Pete and Diamond Feng Shui coach, Debra, also answer questions from the participants about implementing Diamond Feng Shui.

Diamond Time Feng Shui
2025 Monthly Star Charts
Period 9 Star Charts

Get Marie Diamond's TIME Feng Shui charts for 2025 and Period 9 so you will know what's coming your way in the months and years to come.

Marie says that you will want to have your cures and activations in place by the dates above so order your charts today. As you know, Marie strongly recommends that each year you review the Yearly Stars and that every month you consider the Monthly Stars—it takes only minutes, but it will make a huge difference in your year. And now there is the huge shift of the 20-year cycle.

Remember, the flow of energy shifts every 20 years, every year, and each month. How it affects you is determined by the layout of your home or workplace. This is TIME Feng Shui.

The new charts are the most current. They will show you which cures and activations should be placed in your space to shift how the energy influences you. It will influence you one way or another, so you might as well take control.

Activations strengthen the energy for the Stars of:
* Abundance
* Fame
* Relationships

You want to know where the power is in your space so that you can capitalize on it. You'll also want to know which cures to use to calm the energies that often lead to problems.

Cures will weaken the energy for the Stars of:
* Illness
* Violence
* Conflict
* Disaster

Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond studies the energy and does the complicated computations so you don't have to.

With the simple instructions she provides, you will look at the charts and know exactly what you can do to enjoy greater success, better relationships, perfect health, and spiritual growth.

Diamond Time Feng Shui 2025 Charts (Digital)
4 payments of $25.00
Diamond Time Feng Shui 2025 Charts (Printed and Digital)
4 payments of $25.00
Diamond Time Feng Shui Period 9 Star Charts (Digital)
3 payments of $25.00
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