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Free coaching
You may tap into free coaching when you purchase PhotoReading. Learn all about our free success coaching here:
Learning PhotoReading with English as a second language
While PhotoReading is offered in many languages around the world, beginning PhotoReaders with an intermediate understanding of the English language can immediately benefit from an English seminar or the English self-study. Beginning PhotoReaders often find that activation of information is easier with text written in their native language.
For support, consider buying the PhotoReading book in another language that you know. These books must be purchased in countries of that language. The book is in Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Learning other languages with PhotoReading
Many PhotoReaders have reported learning is easier with PhotoReading. They use strategies such as repeatedly PhotoReading the "English/Spanish" dictionary, PhotoReading every language book they can find, and PhotoReading both the English and foreign language edition of books. (The Paraliminal CDs and EasyLearn Language program, also published by Learning Strategies Corporation, have proven useful.)