Process and understand material three times faster than you do now, with no practice
PhotoReading works on all reading material from magazines to reports to books, from light to highly technical
by Pete Bissonette
Learning Strategies Corporation
"PhotoReading" is different from "regular reading" and different from "speed reading." It is more a way to "process" and "understand" information than it is to "read" information. Because PhotoReading uses more of your mind, you can go through information more easily and with greater understanding.
Albert Einstein said we use less than 10% of our brain’s capabilities. PhotoReading helps you tap into the other 90%. As a result the average person can "mentally photograph" printed material at rates exceeding 25,000 words a minute. That’s going through a book at one flip per second.
While you may view this an outrageous claim, every PhotoReader experiences these speeds in the seminar.
At these speeds you are able to PhotoRead a book in a matter of minutes, not hours. Because this is faster than you can possibly move your eyes across the lines of a page, you are not really reading the material. Rather, you are absorbing information directly into the storage areas of your brain, which leads to greater retention.
When you want to "understand" the PhotoRead information you must "activate" the material through a series of steps. A book that takes 6 hours to regular read will take only a few minutes to PhotoRead but up to 2 hours to activate for the beginning Photo-Reader -- that's 1/3 the time of regular reading to get similar comprehension. An expert PhotoReader can activate such books in 20-30 minutes.
In other words, a book that takes you 6 hours to read and fully understand will take less than 2 hours using the PhotoReading whole mind system. "Whole mind" means using more of your mind than what you typically use for regular reading.
Speed reading programs vs. PhotoReading
Speed reading is regular reading hastened up. It’s like looking at a picture of a building and studying every single brick. PhotoReading is different. It allows you to take in the entire picture at once -- you register the meaning as a building without studying every brick.
Most speed reading programs may help you double, triple or even quadruple your reading speed if you work at it—800 words a minute is usually the maximum.
A beginning PhotoReader can process and understand a book in 1/3 the time it would take them to regular read the book. An expert PhotoReader can do much better.
Using PhotoReading, average readers start off processing a book 3 times faster than they could have regular read it before. That’s guaranteed or your money back.
With PhotoReading you receive all the benefits of speed reading without the usual tension and stress, so you can use it every day.
PhotoReading does not replace regular reading
There will be material you choose to regular read -- perhaps a letter, newspaper article, cookbook, novel. A natural by-product, however, of using more of your mind to PhotoRead, is that your regular reading speed can double, triple, or quadruple.
Not only will you be able to process and understand information 3 or more times faster than your regular reading speed, your regular reading speed can increase 2 to 3 times.
Learning anything becomes easier with PhotoReading
PhotoReading is about learning from books so that the business person can learn a new industry or a new product and make more money, so that the student can learn a new subject and get Bs and As, so that we can learn to use the home computer or the VCR to enhance our lives.
PhotoReading more closely resembles the way you learned as a child than how you learned in school. Scientific evidence shows that a preschooler uses more of her mind than an adult. But the adult says, "Show me a preschooler that knows how to calculate gas mileage." We say, "Show me an adult who enthusiastically learns complex concepts such as language, walking, recognizing Mommy and Daddy, counting..."
School focused our minds on very narrow ways of learning and cut us off from our natural abilities to absorb information.
PhotoReading reconnects the link that allows us to learn as easily and effortlessly as we did as preschoolers. It allows us to learn anything with more of our mind.